on - sobre
next to - ao lado
across from / opposite - do outro lado
in front of - em frente
in back of / behind - atrás
near / close to - perto / próximo
between - entre
on the corner of - na esquina
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Posted by
12:30 PM
There are so many English prepositions. We can play with them in many ways.
Are you reading any English book nowadays?
Yes, but these prepositions are in the first book.
No, I'm not. I don't have books in English, except the one that you gave me.
[Vou treinar minhas respostas aqui, tá? Se eu escrever errado, me corrija. Sempre tenho dúvidas pra formular as frases, mas vou tentar.]
I don't have any books in English.
[Tente. Você sempre terá a minha admiração se sempre tentar.]
I don't have any book in English.
Thank you! :)
More issues? Are there any?
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